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ABOUT Hankyung Media Group

'Hankyung' is an abbreviated Korean expression of 'The Korea Economic Daily'. Since 1964, The Korea Economic Daily has led Korean financial journalism, delivering swift, diverse, and accurate economic news. As the cornerstone of the Hankyung Media Group, it was founded to promote liberal democracy and a market economy in Korea. Its wide readership reflects the high-quality information it provides, while its responsible criticism of government policies and practical solutions have earned the trust of opinion leaders.


The Hankyung Media Group's influence extends beyond print media. The Korea Economic Broadcasting dominates financial broadcasting, while leads in online traffic among financial news sites. Hankyung Magazine boasts top subscriber numbers with its Mook series and weekly publications. Hankyung BP has produced many business literature bestsellers.


The group's portfolio includes cultural and leisure ventures such as Hankyung arteTV, a premium cultural channel, the Hankyung artePhilharmonic orchestra, and the Fortune Hills Country Club near Seoul.


With about 10 affiliates, the Hankyung Media Group shapes Korea's media landscape across multiple platforms and industries. From financial news and analysis to cultural programming and leisure activities, the group offers comprehensive coverage and services, solidifying its position as a major influence in Korea's economic discourse and media sector.



ABOUT is the digital home of Asia Business Law Journal, China Business Law Journal and India Business Law Journal and a wealth of other resources for Asia-focused in-house counsel and lawyers in private practice. It is produced by Limited, an independent media company based in Hong Kong.

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